Friday, December 19, 2008

The poet

Teacher Cindy at Alameda Pre-K calls Jack a little poet. She loves the things that come out of his mouth. One day while playing outside, he seemed to be having a particularly joyful day, he said to her "Teacher Cindy, my heart is swimming". Today she said to him, "you know, I have a really big heart". He's so sweet and kind -- most of the time.

He said to me a few months ago, "don't worry mommy, when your hair turns the color of the sky, I'll take care of you" !! And when I asked him about it, he said the sky was grey outside, so when my hair turns grey he'll take care of me!

Emily's mom sent me a link of female portraits through history and they transition from one piece to the next right into each other and this is what Jack said as he sat next to me watching it:
"Wow that is too awesome. She just forms and forms, she must be the chameleon of art!"

chi pets

Jack says we should get Freddy a [quote] "Cha Cha Cha Chia pet, you know one of those Cha Cha Chia's you put the stuff on and they grow."
So funny what they hear, not that it is a Chia pet, but the jingle becomes the name.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jack at 4

To wear his pajamas everywhere even when it's hot and he's got long jammies on
Cereal with milk (finally)
anything with sugar
superheroes....and villians...duh!
reading books
watching cartoons
digging in my purse for treats
playing in the dirt (while we wait for sod)
doing things his own way and freaking out if he doesn't get it right
Halloween stuff
earning money for stuff and constantly asking what he can buy with it
rhyming words
knock knock jokes
riddles even when he doesn't get them or if they aren't funny
bugs and spraying them with bug killer outside
dried peas, carrots and corn on the cob (the only veggies he'll eat now)
anything with a "character" or "action figure"
talking...non stop!
asking why
playing "bad kids in school"
drawing, or having me draw for him

Penny's Letter

Jack goes to pre pre-school at Nana's with Auntie Brooke. They are getting him all ready for preschool to start in the Fall. He has to wear clothes and everything! So this weekend Jack tells me he needs to write a note to Penny (teacher, AKA Brooke). He reminds me a few times and knows just what he wants to say. On the way to Nana's on Monday morning I get the paper and pen and he dictates his note. He was very clear about the exact words and I'd repeat to get it just right and this is what he wrote to her:

Dear Penny,
I know that your job is hard. It's not that I don't like you. It's just that sometimes you are difficult to deal with.

My Garbage

For some reason we talk a lot about Jack's "boys" or "B's" as Uncle Ben likes to call them. They seem to come up a lot for some reason! He's always messing with his business and adjusting. The other day we were talking about his "junk" and this is how interprets it a few days later...

In Home Depot wandering around the aisles, he's sitting in the cart. He's messing with his business:

Me: "Jack, what are you doing?"
Jack: "Just checking my garbage"

:) Oh lordy



This morning, the alarm goes off this morning and Jack and Brian get up. Brian keeps trying to wake me up, Jack's next to me in bed watching cartoons and I am just laying there eyes closed TIRED!
Brian: "Get up"
Brian: "It's getting late"
Brian: "Honey, GET UP"
Jack: "Mommy, daddy is yellin' at ya...JESUS!"
ME: eyes pop open and crack up!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My destiny is in your hands

Staying over at the Badgers in their guest room which is pitch black with no windows, it could be noon and feel like midnight in there. Jack was trying to wake me up and I swear it felt like it was only 6 AM, but it was more like 8:30 and Jack was cojoling me to turn cartoons on for him and says

Come on mom, just turn on some cartoons.
It's OK mom, just some cartoons.

OK, OK (I say reaching for the remote in the dark).

My destiny is in your hands mommy.