Monday, November 19, 2007


Latest Jack Phrases:

I'm going to seclusion!
'Course I'm gonna (or 'course it's gonna, etc.)
That's it!
I just want to cry forever and ever
I am gonna cry for the rest of my life
Mommy, you're my best
I love ya
Bye bye poopy, I love you
That's so beautiful
That's gonna leave a mark
What's up dude
I've been thinkin'
We've got a big problem
Pssst I got an idea...
I'm gonna trade you...
You know what's a deal mom?
That's a deal
Mommy is it a day off with you when i get up?
Just one second
It won't be long
I just gotta...____
It will be this many minutes

The Old Bamboo

This kid, he's something else! His memory for things is so crazy. Last week we watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for the first time this year in months, maybe even a year. They have this song about the old bamboo, which you can hardly even tell what they are singing. He's seen it twice in his life and it sticks in his head - and then days later this happens....After tucking Mr. crazy pants into bed tonight, he lays there singing in a weird little voice, "don't mess with the old bamboo, the old bamboo, the old bamboo, don't mess with the old bamboo" over and over and then throws in a few "cha cha cha's".

Monday, November 5, 2007

Would you like to join us?

I got home from work tonight and Brian and Jack were sitting on the couch next to each other, each with a laptop and the tv set to Monday night football. As soon as I walk in the door I hear Jack tell me he's watching spider man. I come over and give him a kiss, he's all bundled up in the blanky. So cute. He's watching spidey and daddy's is working. He looks up at me and says "would you like to joing us?"
Would like nothing better in the whole world!

A night at our house....

I was sitting here reading, trying desperately to finish my bookclub book before Wednesday, and playing with Jack at the same time. It occurred to me to stop and document this insanity! He has the most vivid and amazing imagination. He likes for me to animate his toys and characters, giving them voice. So I choose a girl, a small doll that was actually part of Brian and Brooks toys as children. She's all 70's plastic with a polyester red dress. We start by choosing a house for her, a sock. Then he wants to wrap her up in GI Joes parachute (thanks unlce ben!) So I wrap the strings around her waist and he starts tossing her up in the air and spinning her around.

Is that fun gril?
(drops her on the hard floor)
Ouch that hurt
(laughs but gets her sock for her to land on then expirements with her landings)
I throwed her up there to fast and then she fell on the ground. That was dumb (runs to other room, tells daddy I'm gonna take a rest, I can here them chatting in the bedroom).
(He's back less than a minute later.)
7:35 pm
I'm getting stronger and bigger! (Running from one end of the room to the other raising his arms and making all kinds of racket as he gets bigger and bigger)
I am the incredible, I am the thing (more running) and I am the incredible hulk (more running, sound effects, sounds like an airplane to me)
(Distracted now, finds lego Robin's cape on the floor) Someones cape, someones cape is missing. Mommy who's cape is missing? (drops it on me and spins around the room)
That was fun, huh, that was fun girl. (I am busy typing, and not responding) Mommy will you talk, mommy talk. (~typical, keeps asking until I respond)
Your my best girl in the whole wide world. (Stops to put parachute over head and comes over) Did I scare you?
Gril, do you know how to go poop in the potty?
Do you know how to pee pee in the potty?
Does your brother know?
Where is my brother?
In Acadiaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh (runs away)
7:42 (off to see daddy)
7:43 (explodes back into living room and throws parachute off, picks it up and flies around, throws arms open and throws it off again) Bwaow, doooochooo, dooodooodootoo, bown, bown bown...(sound effects) That's a slam straight on the ground (steps on parachute and spins around a few times) hip hop (spin) ow (falls and runs over to me and the doll)
Gril, gril, what are you doing?
hanging out with mommy
I have 2 comic books, wanna read them with me? One's called fantastic four and ones called spiderman (picks it up) would you like to read this one, this huge spiderman story it has lots of bad guys in it
Yes. (plops in my lap with it and the girl in his hand)
Gotta show you this chamelon guy (3 times says it) he's coming (15 or more times, progressively higher squeaky voice) he's there. Look at this chameleon guy. he can turn himself into anybody.
Wow he can
(hugs the book) does that hurt?
Does what hurt?
I am talking to the girl. Does that hurt (presses her between the pages)
Yah that kind of hurt
How come (favorite phrase of all time!)
7:48 (back to running across the living room, making mouth sounds, heavy breathing)
Jack whatcha doin?
I don't know the answer to that?
How come?
I am not smart enough.
Yes you are.
(running, back to bedroom ~ it's quiet...too quiet)
Hey Jack, where are you?
(flying back in, arms flailing)
Mommy....(runs out back to bedroom)
Daddy: what are you doing goofball
(Flies back in)
What are you doing buddy?
(Running in circles around the chair in the middle of the living room, 6, 7, times...)
Do you know what I should do?
Take this out (the fold up hamper for toys, he likes to play in it)
(Starts fighting with it)
Raahpuh, ohhhh, ahh, pppffft, hcchhch, haaaa
Girl, girl, girl, oh girl, oh hi, oh hi
Do you know where you are gonna go, to the haunted house. (to the haunted house decoration) You are at the haunted house. You are at the haunted house. Oh hi, hi, you are my best friend(takes her to the table and lays her on the batman net) Dutt dutttooo (more engine sounds)
(drops her in my lap)
Meet my friends.(3 times) Buzz light year and woody (not the right guys, but he knows it). Here's um, here's um, here's um, heres buzz light year
That doesn't look like buzz.
And here's woody.
That doesn't look like woody.
How come? (grabs them and drops them off the side of the couch like a rocket launcher then heads to pick up the laundy basket and more sound effects, drops the 2 figures in it)
Ow (1st one drops in)
Ow (2nd one, this is new lately, making "ow" sound effects when toys or he gets hurt)
(Bouncing up and down in the hamper like a bunny launching himself up and over the side of the couch to me)
I just came flying out of the ground.
you did
(Back down, more sound effects , up on me and jump on me)
Don't jump on me honey. Ouch that hurts
How come? Oh hi girl. You know what, you are going to take a tubby so you better, you gotta take a tubby, so you gotta take a dress of, now you look like a boy, you look like a boy now, oh hi girl
Hi jack
What are you doing? you are going to go shooting into my bastek (basket) you just went shooting in to my basket. I am gonna come in there too. (flings himself over side of couch into basket picks her up and flings her against couch)
How come you said that?
Because you were hurting her honey.
I wasn't, I wasn't I wasn't, that's ok, I am sorry, I am sorry mommy, now she can put her dress back on, she can put her dress back on, she can put her dress back on
(putting dress on with sound effects)
Where's her arms, how do we put her arms in
Do you need help?
Yah need help (drops her in my lap and jumps back in basket)
I can't get out (over and over in high pitched voice)
Who can't get out
I can't (picks up girl, arm held back at ~looks mischeviously at me and drops her back in my lap, snatches her up, drops her and walks away, runs, arms out more sound effects)
What are doing buddy?
I am parachuting
Ahhh (makes sense now)
Let's play *cot* eh,heh,eh (soudns like a witch, picks girl up and wraps her back in the parachute, folds her in it)
bring it out, pchooo (drops it, opens it over his head and it almost covers him as he sits on the ground, stands up and walks across the room quietly, then blasts off with parachute and flies across the room and back to the bedroom

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pants is 1279 days old!

Yesterday Jack was 3 1/2 years old it is unbelievable to me. For the last year I have been swearing up and down at myself for not recording the marvelousness that is Jack. This last year has slipped away. I keep thinking I'll remember things he says or does, and I do, but not in the same was as if they are recorded. It's magic this time and I don't want to forget it. I used to jot notes on random pieces of paper or the calendar to try and remember, but now I am going to use this blog to record all the things that are so amazing about our boy.

It is easier to start with now, than to try and remember all of the last 1279 days, so I'll start here and pull in the past as I go along.

Jack is trying to fall asleep next to me right now for his "nap". He's completely covered up wiht a pink blanket and keeps squirming all over. On weekends I usually let him nap in our bed while I work or read or nap, it's nice and it's easy. But it usually takes him forever to settle down. He just popped his head out and said:

Mommy do you know what a donut is?
Yes, it's food.
With sugar on it.

Back under the covers he goes.

We just got back from the paint store to buy some paint samples for the living room. I know he will want to go with me, so I warn him that I'll be leaving soon and that he needs to put his clothes on before we go. Lately all he wants to do is wear his pajamas. I dress him in the morning and every single day when I get home he has his pajamas back on. And just to point out, that we haven't really stocked up on pj's that fit him, so he's still wearing the ones that say 18-24 months on them and they are all tight and short...very nice. But those actually work out to be the best ones to wear under clothes, because that's his other favorite thing to do with them, that way it's super easy to just strip off clothes when he gets home and PRESTO pj's already on! So I have to cojole him into his clothes, yes the baby blue boat shirt can stay on under the green UO duck shirt (GO DUCKS...big game today) but the batman jammy bottoms have got to come off because they are HUGE and there's no way I can cram them into the jeans. So negotiations settle in, once he gets home, he can change back!

Jack hates change, he doesn't want us to paint. He doesn't want us to buy paint, but he has to come with me because he clings to me like glue whenever I am not at work. So off we go, but before going in he kept saying over and over until I acknowledge him, "Let's paint later...let's paint later...let's paint later" until I told him he could help pick out the color~that seemed to appease him for the moment.

When we get inside, he's talking non-stop

Mommy, I love you.
I love you to sweety.
I've got something for you (hugs my leg)
I've got something else for you (kisses my hand)
Thanks buddy that's so sweet.
Mommy what color do you like.
(pulls out a blue paint swatch)
Here's a blue one.
Uh huh.
What color does daddy like?
What color do you think daddy likes (distracted, trying to find the numbers for the colors I want as fast as humanly possible while trying to keep him entertained....

Stopped at QFC on the way home to get some lunch. He says he wants chiken nuggets. Huh? I've never really seen him eat a chicken nugget (without bribery anyway). They don't have nuggets but they do have breaded chicken breast pieces. So we get a small one (thinking he won't even eat it) but he wants it open and then proceeds to take a bite and then he eats the whole thing while we shop through the store! I can't keep up with the pickiness, you just never know what he'll eat. I guess we just need to trust him! It's such a parent thing to do, to try and control what your kids eat, and we've obsessed about it since he was 1 hour old (how many hours would that be .... 30,696 hours!

In the last year and a half we have done a 180 from the first year and a half. When I fed Jack, I wouldn't drink caffeine, alcohol or eat nuts or broccoli or anything that would upset his tummy. When he started solids it was fresh smashed bananas and homemade rice biscuits (we worried about dairy for a long time, it aggravated the reflux), but as time went on we got more desperate for him to actually eat. He stayed at to the bottom of the weight and height charts at 1, he still wasn't swallong hard foods. He would chew them up, enjoy, and then spit it out. Of course it makes sense that it was from the reflux and throwing up for all that time. So we had to take him off to an occupational therapist, which makes you feel like a complete failure as a mother. I would take him up to Doernbecher children's hospital and meet the really nice lady (named? hmmm no idea) who would do things like dip a kush ball in yoghurt and let him play with it; take frozen french fries - not cooked- and use them like dipping sticks; and basically play with his food. It worked, he eventually started swallowing real actual food. We felt like superhero parents! And thus started the begining of the "do whatever it takes to get him to eat" strategy. I would slather his crackers and bread with real butter and he'd lick it off, and I'd put more on. We let him play with his food. We'd chase him around and shovel spoons of food in his mouth. I'd mix yoghurt with ice cream and milk and put it in a sippy cup, we called them "yogies". I eventually gave up making everything home made, too much work and too much waste. I'd make him something and he'd take one bite - or no bites- and I'd have to throw it away. It was exhausting and frustrating. I took to dipping everything in "special sauce" or barbeque sauce and that worked for a long time (now, ha! he won't touch anything with sauce or ketchup, all plain and dry for this boy)

At his 2 year check up he was still at the very bottom of the charts and the doctor essentially gave us the OK to fatten him up however we could. So, hello, McDonalds! The wonders of the $3 happy meal, which he eventually would actually eat, chock full of fat and calories which he needed. No work for me. And a toy! But so much underlying guilt. What kind of mother lets her 2 year old baby eat McDonalds? Horrible monster! Corporate destructor contibutor! Heart and artery clogger! But, it was so beautiful to see him eat 2 fries and 1 bite of cheeseburger! So I sacrificed and sucked up the guilt and we now have a huge collection of happy meal toys to show for it!

He's asleep now, curled up next to me and it is the best feeling in the world. He's beautiful when he sleeps, peaceful and quiet. We don't get that much. He's like atomic energy most of the day. From the second he opens his eyes in the morning until he finally stops talking at night, he is a bundle of electricity (the rare exception, is waking up from a late nap, and then he is like a cranky lump on a log who just stares and flops around and takes 30 minutes to rejoin us!).

I get these emails from or something like that and it had an article "is your child gifted?" so of course I read it! I already know the answer, but want to see anyway. So I look at the checklist and more than half of the things apply to my little einstein. Talks in sentences before other kids his age. Check. Big vocabulary (do any 3 year olds you know say "perogative"?). Check. Asks lots of questions. Check, check. Curious. Check. Retains random facts from tv or things he sees and says them out of the blue. Check. They didn't include on the list anything about a sense of humor, but he's got one, he is the funniest kid! He loves to make us laugh and does this little dance move for me and says "this will make you laugh". Which reminds me to remind myself to report on his techno dance skills (next time).

I am blessed. This is bliss. happy 1279th day birthday little buddy. We love you!

Jack's nicknames: Pants, Mister, Buddy, Bud, Butterbean, Sweety, Love, Nutball....