Monday, November 5, 2007

A night at our house....

I was sitting here reading, trying desperately to finish my bookclub book before Wednesday, and playing with Jack at the same time. It occurred to me to stop and document this insanity! He has the most vivid and amazing imagination. He likes for me to animate his toys and characters, giving them voice. So I choose a girl, a small doll that was actually part of Brian and Brooks toys as children. She's all 70's plastic with a polyester red dress. We start by choosing a house for her, a sock. Then he wants to wrap her up in GI Joes parachute (thanks unlce ben!) So I wrap the strings around her waist and he starts tossing her up in the air and spinning her around.

Is that fun gril?
(drops her on the hard floor)
Ouch that hurt
(laughs but gets her sock for her to land on then expirements with her landings)
I throwed her up there to fast and then she fell on the ground. That was dumb (runs to other room, tells daddy I'm gonna take a rest, I can here them chatting in the bedroom).
(He's back less than a minute later.)
7:35 pm
I'm getting stronger and bigger! (Running from one end of the room to the other raising his arms and making all kinds of racket as he gets bigger and bigger)
I am the incredible, I am the thing (more running) and I am the incredible hulk (more running, sound effects, sounds like an airplane to me)
(Distracted now, finds lego Robin's cape on the floor) Someones cape, someones cape is missing. Mommy who's cape is missing? (drops it on me and spins around the room)
That was fun, huh, that was fun girl. (I am busy typing, and not responding) Mommy will you talk, mommy talk. (~typical, keeps asking until I respond)
Your my best girl in the whole wide world. (Stops to put parachute over head and comes over) Did I scare you?
Gril, do you know how to go poop in the potty?
Do you know how to pee pee in the potty?
Does your brother know?
Where is my brother?
In Acadiaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh (runs away)
7:42 (off to see daddy)
7:43 (explodes back into living room and throws parachute off, picks it up and flies around, throws arms open and throws it off again) Bwaow, doooochooo, dooodooodootoo, bown, bown bown...(sound effects) That's a slam straight on the ground (steps on parachute and spins around a few times) hip hop (spin) ow (falls and runs over to me and the doll)
Gril, gril, what are you doing?
hanging out with mommy
I have 2 comic books, wanna read them with me? One's called fantastic four and ones called spiderman (picks it up) would you like to read this one, this huge spiderman story it has lots of bad guys in it
Yes. (plops in my lap with it and the girl in his hand)
Gotta show you this chamelon guy (3 times says it) he's coming (15 or more times, progressively higher squeaky voice) he's there. Look at this chameleon guy. he can turn himself into anybody.
Wow he can
(hugs the book) does that hurt?
Does what hurt?
I am talking to the girl. Does that hurt (presses her between the pages)
Yah that kind of hurt
How come (favorite phrase of all time!)
7:48 (back to running across the living room, making mouth sounds, heavy breathing)
Jack whatcha doin?
I don't know the answer to that?
How come?
I am not smart enough.
Yes you are.
(running, back to bedroom ~ it's quiet...too quiet)
Hey Jack, where are you?
(flying back in, arms flailing)
Mommy....(runs out back to bedroom)
Daddy: what are you doing goofball
(Flies back in)
What are you doing buddy?
(Running in circles around the chair in the middle of the living room, 6, 7, times...)
Do you know what I should do?
Take this out (the fold up hamper for toys, he likes to play in it)
(Starts fighting with it)
Raahpuh, ohhhh, ahh, pppffft, hcchhch, haaaa
Girl, girl, girl, oh girl, oh hi, oh hi
Do you know where you are gonna go, to the haunted house. (to the haunted house decoration) You are at the haunted house. You are at the haunted house. Oh hi, hi, you are my best friend(takes her to the table and lays her on the batman net) Dutt dutttooo (more engine sounds)
(drops her in my lap)
Meet my friends.(3 times) Buzz light year and woody (not the right guys, but he knows it). Here's um, here's um, here's um, heres buzz light year
That doesn't look like buzz.
And here's woody.
That doesn't look like woody.
How come? (grabs them and drops them off the side of the couch like a rocket launcher then heads to pick up the laundy basket and more sound effects, drops the 2 figures in it)
Ow (1st one drops in)
Ow (2nd one, this is new lately, making "ow" sound effects when toys or he gets hurt)
(Bouncing up and down in the hamper like a bunny launching himself up and over the side of the couch to me)
I just came flying out of the ground.
you did
(Back down, more sound effects , up on me and jump on me)
Don't jump on me honey. Ouch that hurts
How come? Oh hi girl. You know what, you are going to take a tubby so you better, you gotta take a tubby, so you gotta take a dress of, now you look like a boy, you look like a boy now, oh hi girl
Hi jack
What are you doing? you are going to go shooting into my bastek (basket) you just went shooting in to my basket. I am gonna come in there too. (flings himself over side of couch into basket picks her up and flings her against couch)
How come you said that?
Because you were hurting her honey.
I wasn't, I wasn't I wasn't, that's ok, I am sorry, I am sorry mommy, now she can put her dress back on, she can put her dress back on, she can put her dress back on
(putting dress on with sound effects)
Where's her arms, how do we put her arms in
Do you need help?
Yah need help (drops her in my lap and jumps back in basket)
I can't get out (over and over in high pitched voice)
Who can't get out
I can't (picks up girl, arm held back at ~looks mischeviously at me and drops her back in my lap, snatches her up, drops her and walks away, runs, arms out more sound effects)
What are doing buddy?
I am parachuting
Ahhh (makes sense now)
Let's play *cot* eh,heh,eh (soudns like a witch, picks girl up and wraps her back in the parachute, folds her in it)
bring it out, pchooo (drops it, opens it over his head and it almost covers him as he sits on the ground, stands up and walks across the room quietly, then blasts off with parachute and flies across the room and back to the bedroom

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